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Meet Foneday at IFA 2024

Meet Foneday at IFA 2024

It's that time of year again: the IFA is just around the corner! From September 6th to 10th, Berlin will open its doors for this important technology event. This year, Foneday will also be present, along with NOVANL and FDX. We warmly invite you to visit our stand. Who knows what we might be able to achieve together!

What does the IFA entail?

The IFA trade show in Berlin, held at Messe Berlin, is one of the largest and oldest technology fairs in the world, focusing on consumer electronics and household appliances. Each year, this event provides a platform for companies and manufacturers to showcase their latest products, innovations, and technological developments.

Foneday at the IFA

At Foneday, we strongly believe in the power of partnerships for mutual success. Personal contact is essential to us when it comes to building and maintaining these relationships. This year, we are excited to meet our clients face-to-face again and explore new business opportunities. We are always open to new collaborations and are eager to discover how we can grow and innovate together. That’s why we are attending the IFA in Berlin this year.

Where is Foneday located?

Are you planning to visit the IFA this year? Then be sure to stop by our booth in Hall 3.2, location 201, next to Yoshina and across from Anker.

From September 6 to 10, between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM, we invite you to explore our extensive range and discover how we can add value to your business. Our account managers are ready to meet with you in person, answer all your questions, and discuss how we can meet your specific needs. Whether you're interested in new partnerships or want to learn more about our latest products, we are here to help and work together towards a successful future.

Making an appointment

You can schedule an appointment with one of our colleagues in advance. See which colleagues are available below:

Click here to make an appointment with Max

Click here to make an appointment with Rick

Click here to make an appointment with Samira

Keep up with the latest developments and updates by following our blogs and following us at LinkedIn.

FDX Lite


Pentru a oferi clienților noștri o opțiune accesibilă, introducem FDX Lite. Aceste ecrane au o rezoluție HD și oferă cea mai bună calitate în cadrul acestui segment de preț. Deși efectuăm controale stricte ale calității, nu avem nicio influență asupra procesului de producție. Ecranele FDX Lite vin cu o garanție din fabrică, însă deteriorarea interiorului ecranului nu este acoperită de garanție.
Features FDX Lite
Pixel resolution High Definition (HD)
Refresh rate Fast response
Includes Camera holder, earpiece mesh and proximity bracket
Temperature Low and controlled
360° Polarized Supported
Oil resistant coating Supported
Anti-glare Supported
Front Glass Anti-dust and fingerprint oil
Inspection Tested before shipment
Warranty Covered

Intrați în contact

Suntem disponibili de luni până vineri de la 09:00 - 17:00 (CET)