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From Own Mobile Repair Shop to Working at Foneday

From Own Mobile Repair Shop to Working at Foneday

Discover the story behind our Quality Manager (Mostafa) and Full Stack Developer (Ken), each of whom ran their own mobile repair shop before joining Foneday. Learn more about the experiences they gained, the skills they developed, and how they eventually ended up with us. All this and more can be found in our latest blog!


Age: 25 years
Duration of own repair shop: 3 years
Duration of employment at Foneday: 1 year
Position at Foneday: Full Stack Developer

What inspired you to open a mobile repair shop?

"When I was 16, my father suggested that repairing mobile phones might be something for me. From that moment on, I started watching YouTube videos about phone repairs and also tried it out myself as a hobby for friends and family. My father was right; I really enjoyed doing it. At some point, an acquaintance bought a retail space and offered to rent it to me, so I could start my own mobile repair shop. Although opening my own store had always been a dream since I started repairing phones as a hobby, this offer from my acquaintance accelerated the process, and I agreed to it."

Did you employ staff?

"Throughout the time I ran my own store, I had three students on staff, including my younger brother and one of his friends, along with another part-timer."

What were the highlights of running your own store?

"The opening of the store was an absolute highlight, as it was a dream I had since I was 16. At 21, I managed to open my own store, which was an amazing feeling. Another highlight was being able to hire my brother and his friend. This always created a pleasant atmosphere."

Why did you decide to close your own business?

"The reality of running a store turned out to be much more extensive than I had expected. Although my passion truly lay in repairing mobile phones, I found other aspects less enjoyable. For example, I didn't have much affinity for retail sales, especially because of the detailed explanations required, and training my staff was also not my favorite activity. This combination of factors ultimately led me to decide to close my store."

How did you end up at Foneday?

"I had been a customer of Foneday with my mobile phone repair shop for quite some time, and my experiences with the company were always positive. By chance, I came across a job opening for a Full Stack Developer at Foneday on Indeed. Since I had gained programming experience during my studies and also enjoyed it a lot, combined with the fact that it was a company I was already familiar with and also in the repair industry, it seemed like a logical step for me to apply here."

Why did you choose the role of Stack Developer?

"I specifically studied for this field, and I find it very enjoyable. What particularly appeals to me is that you can get straight to work and are not dependent on external factors. Over time, phone repair became routine, and it lost its challenge. As a Stack Developer, I experience much more challenges because technology is constantly evolving. This means there's always something new to learn, allowing you to continuously grow and develop."

How would you compare your experience as an entrepreneur to working for another company?

"In entrepreneurship, you're constantly dealing with various side tasks that you'd rather not do but are necessary. On the other hand, entrepreneurship offers you the freedom to make decisions without having to consider others. However, compared to working for a boss, this freedom is somewhat limited. Nevertheless, I greatly appreciate that Foneday also allows me space to independently consider certain aspects and make decisions. The difference is that now I can't make all decisions without consultation."

What are some important lessons you learned as the owner of your store?

"That it's important to maintain strict administration and ensure a healthy cash flow; sufficient financial resources are needed to make advance payments for ordered products. Practical matters such as personnel management, contract drafting, and effective communication are also crucial. I've learned to encourage my staff to think independently so they can solve problems on their own. Conducting experiments with my staff has helped me observe their reactions in order to test what works and what doesn't. I've also learned that sometimes I should trust my instincts more and not rely solely on rational thinking."

What skills did you develop while running your own business that you now apply in your current job?

“The skills I've developed while running my own business that I now apply in my current job include primarily enhanced communication skills, honed through extensive customer interactions in my store. This proficiency now serves me well in collaborating with colleagues at Foneday. Furthermore, I've gained valuable insights into mobile phone repair and the requirements of repair technicians, knowledge that I've carried over to my role at Foneday.”

What are your biggest challenges in this role?

"Maintaining large codebases is one of the biggest challenges in my role."

What advice would you give to someone considering opening their own mobile repair shop?

"When setting up your own repair shop, it's important to clearly define which services you will and will not offer. Think carefully about the services you want to provide before taking on too much. Don't be afraid to charge a fee for the services you offer, such as transferring data from an old to a new device."


Age: 34 years
Duration of own repair shop: 7 years
Duration of employment at Foneday: 5 years
Position at Foneday: Quality Manager

What inspired you to open a mobile repair shop?

"I was working part-time in a phone store and got the idea that I could start my own phone shop instead of working for someone else. I decided to give it a try, and it worked out."

Did you have employees?

"Throughout the entire period that I ran my own store, I had four employees."

What were the highlights of running your own store?

"I was incredibly happy when I was able to expand from one store to two because business was doing so well."

Why did you decide to close your own business?

"I chose to stop because of a lack of free time and because I couldn't find suitable staff for my business."

How did you end up at Foneday?

"I already knew the director of Foneday personally, so there was already a good connection. He asked me if I wanted to work at Foneday, and given my experience in the repair industry, this seemed like a logical choice for me."

Why did you choose the position of Quality Manager?

"I actually stumbled into this role by chance. Before I started as a Quality Manager, I worked as a Technical Specialist. In that role, I was mainly focused on technical aspects and answering technical queries. I was doing this work satisfactorily, and then the position of Quality Manager/Purchaser came my way. This appealed to me a lot. Because of my background as the owner of a mobile phone repair shop, I also felt suitable for this new role."

How would you compare your experience as an entrepreneur to working for another company?

"The biggest difference I've noticed is that when you have your own business, you're constantly dealing with its affairs. This isn't always pleasant. When you work for someone else, you have more opportunities to take days off or go on vacation without having to worry about work."

What are some important lessons you've learned as the owner of your shop?

"I have learned a lot, but one of the most important lessons is performing under pressure and anticipating unexpected events."

What skills have you developed while running your own business that you now apply in your current job?

"Thanks to my experience in my own store, where I had to do everything myself, I learned to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. That's why I now have a broad range of responsibilities at Foneday, which I handle effortlessly. My main task is Quality Manager, but in addition to that, I'm also responsible for purchasing products and I assist with order picking when needed."

What are your biggest challenges in this role?

"The biggest challenge is ensuring that our products meet high-quality standards. With technology constantly evolving and our large inventory, it's important that our processes and controls remain aligned to guarantee the highest quality."

What advice would you give to someone considering opening their own mobile repair shop?

"Starting your own mobile repair shop isn't as straightforward as it seems; there's more to it than you might think. Be flexible in addressing all the challenges you encounter and think outside the box."

FDX Lite


Per offrire ai nostri clienti un'opzione conveniente, introduciamo FDX Lite. Questi schermi hanno una risoluzione HD e offrono la migliore qualità in questa fascia di prezzo. Sebbene eseguiamo rigorosi controlli di qualità, non abbiamo influenza sul processo di produzione. Gli schermi FDX Lite sono coperti da garanzia del produttore, ma i danni all'interno dello schermo non sono coperti dalla garanzia.
Features FDX Lite
Pixel resolution High Definition (HD)
Refresh rate Fast response
Includes Camera holder, earpiece mesh and proximity bracket
Temperature Low and controlled
360° Polarized Supported
Oil resistant coating Supported
Anti-glare Supported
Front Glass Anti-dust and fingerprint oil
Inspection Tested before shipment
Warranty Covered

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