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IFA vs. Morecon: A retrospective

IFA vs. Morecon: A retrospective

Curious about our experiences at the world's largest tech trade show and an event focused entirely on repairers? Our team lead Sales & Support, Max, who attended both trade shows, shares his experiences with both IFA and Morecon in this blog. Find out which trade show made the most impression, what technological innovations stood out, and why both Morecon and IFA are the destinations for everyone in the repair industry.

What do the two scholarships entail?

The IFA in Berlin and Morecon in Cologne are both major events within the technology sector, but with different focuses. IFA, held at the Messe Berlin, is one of the largest and oldest technology fairs in the world, where companies showcase their latest products and innovations in consumer electronics and home appliances. Unlike IFA, Morecon focuses specifically on the repair industry and brings together repairers, suppliers and companies. This event offers repair industry professionals, such as smartphone and electronics repairers, the chance to exchange knowledge, promote networking and discover the latest technologies and trends. What both trade shows have in common is their role as platforms for innovation and their focus on strengthening the connection within their respective sectors.

This was the first year that Foneday attended the IFA in Berlin together with the Novanl brand. For five days from September 6 to 10, we presented our company to a wide audience.

What were the expectations before you went to IFA?

“I expected there to be many direct competitors present, including large international companies, both business and personal. This expectation came true. What surprised me, however, was the number of consumers at the fair; there were many more consumers present than I expected.”

What was your first impression of IFA?

“The IFA is a great event. It was great to be in such a large space surrounded by various companies in the technology sector. It was a unique experience to witness it.”

What were the highlights for you during IFA?

“Normally you don't see that many clients in one day, but now you suddenly ran into a lot of them. It was special to finally see a face with the people you've worked with all these years. You really get a personality now, which I found very special.”

What new technological developments did you discover at IFA?

“Samsung hosted an impressive AI trade show, where they presented some fascinating applications. One of the highlights was the refrigerator that could detect what was inside and give suggestions for dishes you could prepare with it. While this may not be relevant to our industry, it was fun to see what is possible. A colleague also told me about air purifiers that work very efficiently thanks to AI. The AI recognizes substances and pollen in the air and automatically matches the cleaning power to the current air quality, super convenient.”

“If we look at our own industry, we see that products are becoming more portable. Powerbanks, which used to be thick and clunky, can now literally be attached to your phone, like using MagSafe. Everything is becoming more efficient and compact, and there is an increasing focus on design rather than just functionality.”

This was also the first year that Foneday was present together with the Novanl brand at the Morecon in Cologne. September 20 and 21 we spent two days presenting the company to the repair audience.

What were your expectations before you went to the Morecon?

“The Morecon is a trade show focused entirely on repair, so my expectations were mainly in the area of sales. I was hoping to meet existing customers and strengthen business relationships with them. Indeed, the event also provided an excellent opportunity to have valuable conversations and gain insight into their needs and experiences.”

What was your impression of the Morecon?

“It was great to see such a large group of repairmen together; it shows how small this world really is. Many company names were already familiar to me, but I had never met the people behind those names, which was a fun experience. My overall impression of the Morecon was very positive. So my expectations for this event were completely different from those I had for IFA.”

Looking back at your experience at the Morecon, what were the highlights?

“It's great to see the whole market in one place, with companies you compete with, collaborate with and supply to. I had fine conversations about the history of the industry and the future visions others have. These exchanges are very valuable and make for great learning and new ideas, which is a highlight of the event for me.”

How did the atmosphere and audience differ between IFA and Morecon?

“The IFA is clearly a consumer fair, while the Morecon focuses on repairers. This creates a significant difference in target audience. The Morecon comes across as more genuine; the IFA has a stronger marketing focus and a certain show element. The Morecon is exactly what the name suggests: a trade show of repairers, for repairers, by repairers. This creates valuable conversations and you receive immediate feedback. Because you attend with your customers, you get a better understanding of their expectations and needs.”

Which event appeals to you more now that you look back on it?

“The Morecon appeals to me more than the IFA. Although the IFA is a wonderful event and it is fun to attend, I think the Morecon connects better with Foneday. At the Morecon, I had a lot more interesting conversations than at the IFA because it is a trade show for repairmen. Because of this, you have conversations on a deeper level. For me, the Morecon is really the event that matches what we sell, what we care about, and where we can get our message across to our customers most efficiently.”

Bonus question: Which city do you like better: Berlin or Cologne?

“Berlin appealed to me more than Cologne. Although Cologne is also nice, Berlin has a bigger vibe and offers a more international feel. Because of this, it appeals to me more"

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