The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. This significant celebration is widely observed annually in China and throughout Asia. In this blog, we delve into what this festive occasion entails and what it could mean for your repair shop.
The Chinese New Year is one of the most important celebrations in Chinese culture. Typically marked by family gatherings, festivities, fireworks, and traditional rituals featuring the color red, this celebration has unclear origins but likely dates back over 3500 years. The Chinese New Year is believed to have originated from tales of a mythical creature named Nian that attacked residents at night. People discovered that Nian was afraid of loud sounds and the color red, leading them to use fireworks and hang red objects to ward off the creature. Hence, the tradition of setting off fireworks and displaying red decorations during the Chinese New Year.
During the Chinese New Year, many factories and suppliers temporarily close their doors to celebrate this festive season. Employees often travel to be with their families, who may live outside the city, resulting in significant travel time and a desire to extend their stay with family. Due to this tradition, resembling an almost official closure period, production comes to a virtual standstill.
The closure can affect inventory availability and the speed at which repairs can be carried out. To prevent this, it is crucial to have your inventory in order well in advance. At Foneday, we take proactive measures by stocking sufficient inventory, and ensuring repairs for your customers can proceed smoothly. Check out our range.
We hope this blog has provided you with a clearer understanding of the Chinese New Year and informed you about the challenges associated with this festival.
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