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6 Marketing tips for in your Repair Shop

6 Marketing tips for in your Repair Shop

In a crowded environment full of repair stores, standing out among the competition is a constant challenge. How can you ensure that your store is not only seen, but chosen by potential customers? In this blog, we share valuable marketing insights that will help you make your store stand out among your target audience. Learn how to make your store attractive to customers and how to stand out among the sea of competitors.

Tip 1: Be transparent during your repairs

Generating reliability in this industry is very important. Customers give you their mobile device to repair and want to trust that they won't be ripped off with charges. To make sure they can trust you as a repair store, you can take a number of actions:

  • Involve your customers in the repair process: Offer the opportunity to follow the repair live. This can be done, for example, by having a TV screen in the store with live footage of the repair. This shows not only that you provide high-quality customer service, but also that you are knowledgeable.

  • Offer good after-service: Clearly describe all steps taken during the repair procedure and ensure that important information, such as warranty terms, is clearly stated on the receipt and invoice.

Tip 2: Offer your customers the best service.

Good service often leads to repeat customers. To ensure that you provide good service, you can do the following:

  • Listen to your customers: Understand their needs, questions and concerns. Active listening is important to show that you value their feedback.

  • Ask for feedback: Let customers know that their opinion is important to you and ask for feedback. This can help you improve your service. Also, ask the customer to leave the feedback as a review for your business on Google to project online that you have a good repair store.

  • Offer something extra: Go a step further by offering something extra, such as a free upgrade, a coupon or a personalized thank you.

Offering excellent customer service as described above will contribute to a growing group of loyal customers.

Tip 3: Provide a store design that fits your target audience

It is important to know who your target audience is: where their interests lie, what age group they belong to, and what is crucial for them when choosing a repair store. What specific audience do you want to attract? Ask yourself plenty of questions about your target audience and use those insights to design your store. Experiment to discover what is most effective for your store.

Tailoring the store design to your target audience will increase the attractiveness of the store. If sustainability is an important consideration, consider furniture made from sustainable materials or installing a green moss wall. If you want to appeal to a younger audience, play appropriate music in the store. By personalizing the décor based on the interests and values of your target audience, you create an attractive shopping environment that appeals to your potential customers.

Tip 4: Place branded items together

By placing branded items together through displays, such as our NovaNL display, can increase customers' willingness to buy. See below for some other benefits of placing branded items together:

  • Brand consistency: It creates a consistent and recognizable brand experience for customers. By placing all of a brand's products together, customers can easily find the products they know and trust.

  • Brand Experience: It helps reinforce the brand experience. When customers are surrounded by products from the same brand, it reinforces the associations and emotions they have with that brand.

  • Brand property: It increases customers' sense of brand ownership. By having all of a brand's products in one place, customers feel more connected to the brand and are more likely to return for repeat purchases.

Tip 5: Choose the right atmosphere

By applying color and lighting in your store, you create a significant impact on the right atmosphere. Colors can subconsciously evoke certain emotions, so it is important to take that into account. While dark colors can seem trendy, shades that are too dark can create a sense of insecurity. Light tones and the color blue, on the other hand, can actually put people at ease, and customers who feel comfortable in your store are more likely to buy something. You can also use lighting by literally spotlighting a product to boost its sales.

Tip 6: Make use of signage

Use clear and eye-catching signage within your store to grab customers' attention and direct them to specific products. See below for some strategies you can use for this purpose:

  • Clear navigation: Make sure your signage is clear and easy to understand. Customers should be able to find what they are looking for quickly. Use simple icons and clear text above racks to indicate different sections, such as "Screen Protectors," "Cases," "Cables," etc.

  • Encourage impulse purchases: Strategically place signage near products that are often considered impulse purchases such as phone cases. Use eye-catching colors and text such as "New in!" or "Bestseller!" to attract customers' attention. Make use of floor stickers, posteres, display stands, etc. 

  • Cross-selling and upselling: Use signage to direct customers to related products. For example, you can place signs pointing to accessories such as cables, cases, or other products.

We hope this blog has given you more insights regarding improving internal marketing in your repair store. For more marketing tips, you can also check out our other marketing blog. Keep following us for more blogs and if you have any questions you can always contact us.

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Warranty Covered

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